Dear Friends,
We are starting to allow kennel visits to meet parents and puppies. We allow kennel visits once puppies are 5 weeks old and have a better immune system. We are requiring masks be worn during these visits and good hand hygiene practice is followed. Visits must be arranged several days prior so that we can arrange our schedule here. Morning visits work best with our daily routine. We will continue to take pictures of each litter when they are a few days old and again at 4 and 6 weeks to post on the website.
We currently plan to require face mask be worn when you come to get your puppy. We will also be wearing face mask and try to maintain social distancing as able. We have sink in the kennel to wash hands prior to and after you handle puppies. We also have hand gel available.
We do not have a restroom facility available in our kennel. Please plan according. There are 2 gas stations with restrooms available in Akron. Otis has a rest area and gas station as well. Gas station in Otis is not open on weekends.
We plan to limit only one family at a time in kennel and we will bleach office surfaces between. We ask that you be on time when coming to get your puppy and remain in car until prior family has left. We are forever hopeful that by the middle of June we have moved beyond the Covid-19 crisis and that we no longer have these restrictions.
At present time we felt it necessary to be proactive and have a plan in place prior to the day your little puppy will be coming home. Our goal is to provide a safe environment and that you will feel comfortable during your visit here.
Thank you for understanding and helping us keep our family and yours safe in this uncertain time.
Shannon & Terry Klostreich
We are starting to allow kennel visits to meet parents and puppies. We allow kennel visits once puppies are 5 weeks old and have a better immune system. We are requiring masks be worn during these visits and good hand hygiene practice is followed. Visits must be arranged several days prior so that we can arrange our schedule here. Morning visits work best with our daily routine. We will continue to take pictures of each litter when they are a few days old and again at 4 and 6 weeks to post on the website.
We currently plan to require face mask be worn when you come to get your puppy. We will also be wearing face mask and try to maintain social distancing as able. We have sink in the kennel to wash hands prior to and after you handle puppies. We also have hand gel available.
We do not have a restroom facility available in our kennel. Please plan according. There are 2 gas stations with restrooms available in Akron. Otis has a rest area and gas station as well. Gas station in Otis is not open on weekends.
We plan to limit only one family at a time in kennel and we will bleach office surfaces between. We ask that you be on time when coming to get your puppy and remain in car until prior family has left. We are forever hopeful that by the middle of June we have moved beyond the Covid-19 crisis and that we no longer have these restrictions.
At present time we felt it necessary to be proactive and have a plan in place prior to the day your little puppy will be coming home. Our goal is to provide a safe environment and that you will feel comfortable during your visit here.
Thank you for understanding and helping us keep our family and yours safe in this uncertain time.
Shannon & Terry Klostreich